Astrology in the Era of Uncertainty
472 pages
published November 2023
ISBN: 978-0-9747626-4-7
$29.95 + Shipping and Handling
We live in a difficult time. The world is changing in ways that are often complex, confusing, and disruptive to our lives and that can’t easily be anticipated. Within such a world, there is a renewed hunger for more direct access to personal gnosis, not dependent on external authorities. Each of us craves a reliable internal compass with which to navigate a world that, in the throes of very large, seemingly insolvable environmental, political, economic, social, racial and cultural problems, is increasingly uncertain.
While astrology may not be able to directly address these global issues, it can help us to cope in meaningful ways by reminding us, through an ongoing, ever-evolving conversation between psyche and cosmos, that we have a place and a purpose in the larger scheme of things. Out of this conversation can come not just a clearer sense of identity and purpose, and a greater capacity to effectively navigate one’s life, but also a communion with numinous, sacred mysteries.
To reach this deeper level, we must go beyond the rational approach to astrological symbolism that evolved during the Hellenistic era and reclaim our more mystical and mythopoetic roots. This book shows how we got to where we are now, and where we can go from here.

Astrology in the Era of Uncertainty is a book of considerable breadth and careful reflection, illuminating astrology’s theoretical premises and purposes in relation to science, and demonstrating the author’s rich mythopoetic approach to astrological practice. What emerges from his work is a sense of intuitive wisdom, shaped by his own life experience and informed by a nuanced imaginative and intellectual engagement with the archetypal energies of the universe. Keiron Le Grice, professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and author of The Archetypal Cosmos

Erudite, poetic and revelatory, Astrology in the Era of Uncertainty offers a rich and detailed map to help us navigate an ever-more confusing and challenging world. In a book which is destined to become a classic, Joe Landwehr provides a series of anchor-points for the evolution of self and psyche, and an astropoetic guidebook on the examined – and the fully lived – life. Sharon Blackie, author of the best seller If Women Rose Rooted and The Enchanted Life
Defining astrology as "an attempt to understand and more consciously occupy our place in a larger, living cosmos" his book aids us in the task of revivifying our sense of life embedded in conscious relationship to the anima mundi. Safron Rossi, core faculty in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, author of The Kore Goddess