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The Basic Course

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The Basic Course was created to promote an understanding of astrology that is rooted in personal experience. Self-observation, and remembering key points in important astrological cycles, help us to connect astrological symbolism with personal experience.


The process of exploring a birthchart  requires an awareness of whole patterns, and unfolds gradually through a lifetime of penetrating inquiry into the heart of the core issues and the important questions that define a life.


Our students are taught to identify and track their own core issues astro-logically, using their knowledge of astrology as a springboard to an ever-deepening awareness and appreciation of the soul at the heart of their own life’s journey.

In This Course You Will Learn



  • to develop habits of self-observation and contemplation of life experience in relation to astrological principles that will serve as the basis for a lifelong journey of ever-deepening self-discovery.


  • to remember back to key  'moments' of cycles relevant to the symbolism under study, in order to gain a more complete sense of how any given symbol is evolving over time.


  • to suspend final interpretive judgments, in order to allow fresh information to contribute to a sense of knowing that constantly evolves as you yourself mature through the cycles you are studying.


  • to observe your astrological processes in 'real time' in order to glimpse the unique expression of the symbolism within a living context that is specific to you.

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Self-Paced Learning - One-on-One Mentoring

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The complete Basic Course includes 48 downloadable lessons with homework. 


Each lesson includes a discussion of the astro-logic related to a particular aspect of the astrological language, plus a homework assignment designed to give you practice in the application of astro-logical principles to your own life process.

To do the homework in a thoughtful way, allow about 4 hours per lesson. However, the assignments are designed to be more an opening into a particular line of inquiry than a demonstration of mastery and could absorb as much of your time as you willing to put into it.


Written Response & Post-Lesson Consultation


After you have completed and submitted the homework to each lesson, I provide a written response.  After you've had a chance to review my response, we will arrange a 90-minute consultation (by phone, Skype or Zoom) to discuss the homework, provide feedback, correct any mistakes or misunderstandings and help you see how the principles presented in the lesson apply to your chart and life process.


In addition to reviewing the material from the lesson, consultations generally also address real life issues and concerns from the perspective of the material being studied. We'll focus in depth on one piece of your chart, making a correlation between the astrological symbolism being studied and your own relevant life experience.

You'll then be encouraged to continue to explore these connections through informal assignments and suggestions, as a result of any insights that emerge during the consultation.

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Required Reading

All students are expected to read The Seven Gates of Soul – which outlines the philosophical basis for the astropoetic approach to astrology presented in the lessons – within the first year of their study with The School.


Students who sign up and pay in full for a year of the course will receive a free copy.


All students will receive an additional 20% discount on other books published by Ancient Tower Press.


Advanced Placement


Students that have had prior experience with astrology may be eligible for advanced placement, pending the completion of an Advanced Placement Exam.  Even with prior experience, however, the astropoetic approach to astrology differs from more traditional astrology in important ways, and even from the very beginning of the Basic Course, you are likely to be learning something new.  The astropoetic approach also entails a focus on self-awareness that is missing in most courses of astrological instruction, and will add a significant dimension to your learning experience that might have previously been missing, no matter how much astrology you know.  Having said that, I am willing to work with you to make sure you get the best possible education, given your experience, your interest, and your readiness for more advanced work.


Students that complete the Basic Course, or students who demonstrate sufficient proficiency and self-knowledge can take the Tracking the Soul Webinar Class, which is the next level of instruction available through The Astropoetic School.

Where to Go From Here

To read more about the astropoetic approach to astrology, go here.


To read about the vision behind the School, go here.


To read about the history of the School, go here.


To read about my approach to teaching at The School, go here.


To see the Lesson Plan for the Basic Course, go here.


To sign up for the Basic Course, go here.


To learn more about a workshop introduction to astropoetics available to non-astrologers, go here.

Copyright 2020-2024 - Joe Landwehr

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