The Astropoetic School
of Soul Discovery
Where Your Life is the Classroom
Course Offerings

The Basic Course

The Basic Course is a correspondence course designed for beginners or those with little or no prior instruction in astrology. It teaches the basic vocabulary of astrology: houses, signs, planets, aspects, transits, progressions, planetary patterns, and whole chart analysis. It is not designed for those wishing to become professional astrologers, but rather those who wish to use their knowledge of astrology as an aid to self-reflection.
Students are taught not just to memorize, but to think and feel astrologically, using their own life experience as a portal to deeper, more intimately personal understanding. The course takes an astropoetic approach to astrology, which is rooted as much in sensory, emotional and imaginal correlations as it is in concepts and basic principles.
To read more about the Basic Course, go here.
Tracking the Soul Webinar Class
Tracking the Soul is a more advanced class for those who have a decent understanding of the basic vocabulary of astrology, as taught in the Basic Course. Based on my book of the same name, the course integrates astrology with the chakra system of yogic philosophy, which provides a framework in which working with astrology becomes a more deliberate exercise in shifting consciousness.
Students will be taught to identify chakra patterns in their own chart within a small webinar group, and to correlate these patterns with real life experiences, issues and opportunities for personal growth.
To read more about the Tracking the Soul Webinar Class, go here.

Soul of Numbers Webinar Class

The Soul of Numbers is for those who have completed the Tracking the Soul Webinar class, and wish to go more deeply into the exploration of interchakra dynamics and the spiritual psychology of numbers as taught by Pythagoras and integrated with the birthchart.
Students will be taught to identify and work with number patterns in their own chart within a small webinar group, and to correlate these patterns with an opportunity for more consciously embodying divine intelligence.
To read more about the Soul of Numbers Webinar Class, go here.
Where to Go From Here

To read more about the astropoetic approach to astrology, go here.
To read about the vision behind the School, go here.
To read about the history of the School, go here.
To read about my approach to teaching at The School, go here.
To sign up for a course, go here.
If you are an advanced astrologers seeking an apprenticeship, go here.
To learn more about workshops available to non-astrologers, go here: