The Astropoetic School
of Soul Discovery
Where Your Life is the Classroom
The Astropoetic School workshops are designed to introduce non-astrologers to astrological truths without the burden of having to learn the language. Instead the birthcharts of participants are used behind the scenes to design exercises addressing common themes and customize the experience for those attending. Although the intent and scope of each workshop remains the same, no two workshops are the same.
Astrologers are, of course, also welcome to attend, with the understanding that the purpose of these workshops is not to teach astrology, but rather to create an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. Those wishing to learn the astrological systems that provide the invisible scaffolding to these workshops are directed to our course offerings.
Each of these workshops will be limited to 12 people to ensure an optimal balance of group interaction and individual attention.

Introduction to Astropoetics

Astropoetics is an experiential approach to astrology oriented toward exploring the sensory, emotional, and imaginal dimensions of a birthchart, as well as its more cognitive associations. Within this approach, life itself becomes a rich repository of meaningful images and experiential metaphors, out of which a more deeply felt and richly poetic sense of meaning can arise.
While the purpose of the workshop is not to learn astrology, we will move toward a visceral experience of each participant's birthchart, out of which insights can spontaneously arise. This fun workshop will incorporate music, movement, creative self-expression, storytelling, ceremony, and play to generate a sense of the birthchart as a living, breathing mirror to life in the moment.
In preparation for this 3-day workshop, participants will be invited to go on a sensory scavenger hunt, which will then serve as a foundation for further learning through self-discovery.
To read more about the astropoetic approach to astrology, go here.
Tracking the Soul
This 4-day workshop is is based on my book Tracking the Soul With An Astrology of Consciousness and is suitable for anyone regardless of their knowledge of astrology. Although I will use the astro-chakra system presented in the book to help participants focus more clearly on specific life issues, the focus of the workshop itself is not astrology, but soul growth.
At the workshop, we will not be using astrological language. Instead, this will be our opportunity to share our soul stories, learn from them and from each other. The workshop will also include authentic movement and other experiential exercises designed around common themes among participants to help move the energy of insight into the body where it can effect deep and lasting transformation.
A prerequisite for this workshop will be a Chakra Pattern Overview and a 6-session Chakra Pattern Exploration.

Healing the Shadow

According the pre-emminent psychologist, Carl Jung, the shadow is the guardian of the threshold to the soul's journey toward individuation and wholeness. The shadow encompasses all those parts of yourself you have rejected, repressed or denied in order to earn the love, approval, respect and/or acceptance of parents, teachers and other shaping influences in early childhood. The shadow may also contain false projections onto you that you have adopted, or simply aspects of your psyche you have not yet discovered.
In this workshop, we will create a safe space in which you can bring your shadow into the light of day for closer scrutiny and transformation through the release of self-judgment, toxic emotions, and inauthentic self-protective personas.
A prerequisite for this workshop will be a Chakra Pattern Overview and a 6-session Chakra Pattern Exploration. The emphasis in these sessions will be on identifying and exploring shadow patterns in the birthchart.
Soul of Numbers
The Soul of Numbers Workshop is for those who have done a significant amount of self-healing, who have more or less mastered the art of living a fulfilling life of meaning and purpose, and who are actively using their talents and gifts in service to the world.
The intent of the workshop will be to deepen awareness of how your place in the cosmos is a reflection of your path of service, and how you can more consciously align yourself with divine intelligence to take your place with conscious intent and greater clarity. No small part of the value of the workshop will be your interaction with other workshop participants in what will be designed to be an exciting and inspired exchange of wisdom and creative passion.

A prerequisite for this workshop will be a Number Pattern Overview and a personal interview with me.
To read more about my approach to working with numbers, go here.
Sign Up for a Workshop Here
Thank you for your interest in an Astropoetic School workshop. Signing up for one is a 2-step process.
STEP ONE: Please submit the following form:
To read more about my approach to tracking the soul, go here.
STEP TWO: Submit Payment.